Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Simski's 2021

The Simski Bunch has gathered together once again!

This time Brad, Hunter, Jess, Melanie, Sammy, my Simself and Vibeke 
are being played as siblings in a hood called Winterwind.

Their HUGE house is right along the coastline with a
magnificent view of the water and the Winterwind Bay Lighthouse.

September 3rd, 2020 is the date that they moved in.

Yes, there was a pandemic but with Winterwind having two suns,
the awful virus lost most of its strength and Sims had little to worry about.
The virus basically vanished within a few months and not one Sim died from it.

But there was a still a Sim-wide "suggested" lock-down
 and everyone stayed inside - for awhile.
My Simself got quite comfortable in her pajamas, 
only changing out of them to go work!

Everyone got jobs and were anxious to make their way
up the ladder in their LTW careers.

Jess' LTW is to make it to the top of the Military career.

Brad's LTW is to be a Captain Hero

My Simself's LTW is to become Chief Of Staff 

Sammy's LTW is to be a Space Pirate

Hunter's LTW is to be a Mad Scientist

And getting those sweet promotions are always welcome!

Melanie's LTW is to be a Natural Scientist


And they made new friends too!

Jess is getting to know Matthew Picaso
and sharing her thoughts on Nature.

Matthew's kinda interested.
But the best part is that Jess made a new friend at her work.

After work, there's lots to do.

Planting a garden




Home Repairs

But their home life wasn't all chores -
they love hanging out together and TALKING!


Girl Talk

Guy Talk

Teach the bird to talk

Offer advice about make-up

Share Hobby Tips

Discuss Skills

Tell Dirty Jokes (Melanie's specialty)

Hobbies are fun too!


Working Out

And posing in cool workout clothes!

Below are links that I'm working on now that will take you
to the individual pages for each of us.
I'll share them in the order that they found their Love Match
and moved out of the house to start their new lives.

The links are in alphabetical order 
but this is the order they fell in love  and moved out of the house.
Vibeke, Jess, Brad, Melanie, Hunter, 
Sammy and last, but not least - my Simself.

Pages that are viewable are bolded in the list above.

Just Click On Their Name!


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